Category Archives: Blog

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery San Francisco Announces Post on Personalized Orthognathic Surgery in the Bay Area

San Francisco, California – January 31, 2021. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery San Francisco, a team of San Francisco Bay Area oral surgeons at, is proud to announce a new post on the importance of personalized attention for one’s orthognathic surgery needs. Continue reading

The Time To Schedule Oral Surgery Might be Now

A lot of San Francisco residents are working from home at the moment because of the Pandemic, and yet this does present certain opportunities. For instance, if you need any form of San Francisco oral surgery, now would be a very good time to get the work done, for the simple reason that you can recuperate at home and yet still carry on working. Continue reading

If You Have Wisdom Teeth Issues, You Need Them Removed

Many people wonder why wisdom teeth are so called. In the 17th century they were referred to as “teeth of wisdom” which became “wisdom teeth” in the 19th century. They are your third molars, and they generally appear between the ages of 17 and 25 by which time you have attained adulthood, and it is assumed that you have also attained a certain amount of wisdom. Continue reading

If You Suffer From a Serious Snoring Problem It Could Be Sleep Apnea

Many San Francisco residents snore, like so many other people across the world. However, if you (or your partner) are heavy snorers, it may be more than just getting old or being a little overweight. It could be that you are suffering from sleep apnea, and you may require snoring surgery in San Francisco. Continue reading

Many Sleep Apnea Issues Can Be Solved Using Surgery Right Here in San Francisco

Sleep apnea is a condition which results in pauses in breathing, or shallow breaths, occurring. Pauses can last from several seconds to a few minutes. This often follows loud snoring. Some 40 million Americans suffer from chronic snoring, with quite a few here in San Francisco among them. Continue reading

For Jaw Problems in the Bay Area You Need an Orthognathic Surgeon

Orthognathic” is such a hard word – hard to say, hard to sell, weird! It comes from the Greek “gnathos” which means cheek or jaw, and “ortho” meaning straight. For practical purposes it means “jaw” as in “jaw surgeon.” Continue reading

Oral Surgery San Francisco Announces Post on Finding the Best Jaw Surgeon in the Bay Area

November 1, 2020 – San Francisco, California. San Francisco Oral Surgery, a team of oral surgeons working in San Francisco, California, is proud to announce a new post on finding the best jaw surgeon in the Bay Area. The post explains that there is no single criterion for identifying even the top-rated surgeons in the region. Continue reading